Primary pallet
Contextual colors
These colors are part of supported classes by Bootstrap framework. We changed the initial color to better fit in theadmin.
Primary #33cabb
Secondary #e4e7ea
Success #46be8a
Info #48b0f7
Warning #f2a654
Danger #f96868
Extra colors
These colors are brought by theadmin to give you more color options.
Purple #926dde
Pink #f96197
Cyan #57c7d4
Yellow #fdd501
Brown #8d6658
Dark #465161
Color names
Whenever we talk about color names, we reference above names.
Pale pallet
Contextual colors
Pale version of above contextual colors. You can use these colors for background colors where you don't need change the text color. Default text color has enough contrast with these background colors.
Primary #dcfcfa
Secondary #f7fafc
Success #e3fcf2
Info #e3f3fc
Warning #fcf0e3
Danger #fce3e3
Extra colors
Pale version of above extra colors. You can use these colors for background colors where you don't need change the text color. Default text color has enough contrast with these background colors.
Purple #ece3fc
Pink #fce3ec
Cyan #e3fafc
Yellow #fcf8e3
Brown #eddcd5
Dark #c8c8c8
Pale-color names
Whenever we talk about pale-color names, we reference above names.
Text colors
Title #33cabb
Text #e4e7ea
Text-light #46be8a
Text-secondary #48b0f7
Text-disabled #f2a654
Background colors
bg-light #f5f6f7
bg-lighter #f9fafb
bg-lightest #fcfdfe
bg-new #f3f9ff
bg-new-hover #ecf5fe
Divider colors
These colors mostly used for border colors, horizontal or vertical lines as well as dividers.
Divider #ebebeb
Divider-light #f1f2f3