
How to Design Your Workspace for Productivity

One of the greatest benefits of a well-designed workspace and consequently, the option of privacy in the office is an increase in engagement and productivity among workers. Of the 11 percent of survey respondents who were highly satisfied with their work environments, the majority said that their workplace allowed them to concentrate easily, work in teams without being interrupted, choose where to work based on their task, and feel a sense of belonging to the company and its culture.

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Office Dress Code Do's and Don'ts

Office-appropriate fashion seems fairly obvious. So why do so many employees still make eyebrow-raising mistakes, especially during summer? The problem could be your company’s dress code policy, or lack of one. If you still don’t have a policy, you’re not alone: Plenty of companies are content to work without a formal dress code. That is, until the receptionist waltzes in one sweltering day in shorts, a tank top, and gladiator sandals.

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Why People Thrive in Coworking Spaces

There seems to be something special about coworking spaces. As researchers who have, for years, studied how employees thrive, we were surprised to discover that people who belong to them report levels of thriving that approach an average of 6 on a 7-point scale. This is at least a point higher than the average for employees who do their jobs in regular offices, and something so unheard of that we had to look at the data again.

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