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Hossein Shams

Front-end Developer

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    <p><strong>Hossein Shams</strong></p>
    <p>Front-end Developer</p>
With icon

(650) 555 - 1234


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    <p><strong>(650) 555 - 1234</strong></p>
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Vertically centered

(650) 555 - 1234


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    <p><strong>(650) 555 - 1234</strong></p>


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Maryam Amiri


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    <p><strong>Maryam Amiri</strong></p>
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Maryam Amiri


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    <p><strong>Maryam Amiri</strong></p>
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Maryam Amiri


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    <p><strong>Maryam Amiri</strong></p>
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Iconic avatar

New user registered

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    <p>New user registered</p>
    <time datetime="2018-07-14 20:00">24 min ago</time>
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    <time datetime="2018-07-14 20:00">Aug 17, 2016</time>
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With time

Maryam Amiri

Updated his profile picture

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    <p><strong>Maryam Amiri</strong> <time class="float-right" datetime="2018-07-14 20:00">24 min ago</time></p>
    <p>Updated his profile picture</p>
Multi line description

Maryam Amiri

You need to update the changelog in documentation before we release the current version.

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    <p><strong>Maryam Amiri</strong> <time class="float-right" datetime="2018-07-14 20:00">24 min ago</time></p>
    <p>You need to update the changelog in documentation before we release the current version.</p>
Truncated description

Maryam Amiri

You need to update the changelog in documentation before we release the current version.

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  <span class="avatar status-success">
    <img src="../assets/img/avatar/1.jpg" alt="...">
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    <p><strong>Maryam Amiri</strong> <time class="float-right" datetime="2018-07-14 20:00">24 min ago</time></p>
    <p class="text-truncate">You need to update the changelog in documentation before we release the current version.</p>
Multi line with title

BBQ this weekend?

Maryam Amiri

I'll be in your neightborhood doing errands this weekend. Do you want me bring anything?

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      <strong>BBQ this weekend?</strong>
      <time class="float-right" datetime="2018-07-14 20:00">24 min ago</time>
    <p class="fs-14 semibold">Maryam Amiri</p>
    <p>I'll be in your neightborhood doing errands this weekend. Do you want me bring anything?</p>
Multi line with title

BBQ this weekend? (4)

Maryam Amiri I'll be in your neightborhood doing errands this weekend. Do you want me bring anything?

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  <div class="media-body">
      <strong>BBQ this weekend?</strong>
      <small class="pl-1"><strong>(4)</strong></small>
      <strong class="fs-14 semibold">Maryam Amiri</strong>
      <span class="dash"></span>
      I'll be in your neightborhood doing errands this weekend. Do you want me bring anything?
Button actions

Maryam Amiri

You need to update the changelog in documentation before we release the current version.

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    <p><strong>Maryam Amiri</strong> <time class="float-right" datetime="2018-07-14 20:00">24 min ago</time></p>
    <p>You need to update the changelog in documentation before we release the current version.</p>
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Link actions

Maryam Amiri

You need to update the changelog in documentation before we release the current version.

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    <p><strong>Maryam Amiri</strong> <time class="float-right" datetime="2018-07-14 20:00">24 min ago</time></p>
    <p>You need to update the changelog in documentation before we release the current version.</p>
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Maryam Amiri

You need to update the changelog in documentation before we release the current version.

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    <img src="../assets/img/avatar/1.jpg" alt="...">
  <div class="media-body">
    <p><strong>Maryam Amiri</strong> <time class="float-right" datetime="2018-07-14 20:00">24 min ago</time></p>
    <p>You need to update the changelog in documentation before we release the current version.</p>
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  <p class="fw-600">TheAdmin-v1.zip</p>
  <em class="text-fader mb-3">2 mb</em>
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